OAPA third team meeting in Yerevan

YEREVAN, Armenia ‒ The AGBU Papazian Library and the Public Administration Academy of RA (PAARA) in cooperation with the University of Bergen, Norway, organise the third and the last meeting of the two-year project “Developing a Sustainable Platform for Open Access (OA) Publishing in Armenia” from June 10-11, 2019, at the American University of Armenia (AUA).

The project team for the Open Access Publishing in Armenia (OAPA) have met and discussed what has been done during this 1 year and 6 months. The working team finalized the project achievements, discussed further steps for maintaining the IRs and the creation of the OA mandates, organization of the OA week at AUA. Brainstormed on the promotion of the IR and OA. The project officially will end in 2019 December. However the process will continue, the goal of the project will be to set up IRs, promote them within the larger community and establish OA mandates at least on a university level. Make sure that the academic community does know about IR and OA publishing. The created IRs will be used by the larger community too. The final output and aim of the project will be developed IRs for AUA and PAARA, developed OA and IR guidelines and policies, further collaboration with other universities in Armenia.